Whose Voice? auditions

To audition, contestants were to submit a scene with two or three characters, in which they played all of the roles.

Episode 1

Koivo, Saigo and Jeimuzu,
Laos, Hudadusar and BMcCauley,
Tiana Sidhe, Gir, Damian8048, zain and TheGlassDoll,

Episode 2

Hudadusar, AniVids and Daniel C,
Druox, Shadow Lovely and Songbyrd,
Inukai, Gokuman101 and the results.

Episode 3

Shadow Lovely (resubmission), Gokuman101 (resubmission), LightningBolt and TheArtichoke,
Bree, zain (resubmission), Rachellular, reid2me and the results.

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