Teller of the Tales season 2

Hosted by Alivieina and Zain, this show is a story-telling competition.


Round 1: Free For All
Codex • Dizzy • Duragon LaMente • Dylan Collins • Flynn • Mister Sister • Mr. Unforgiving Fox • Scott Oka • Temporary Butterfly

Round 2: Children's Stories
BlackJackAV • Codex • Dizzy • Flynn • Mister Sister • Mr. Unforgiving Fox • Scott Oka • Temporary Butterfly

Round 3: Myths and Legends
Codex • Flynn • Mr. Unforgiving Fox • Scott Oka • Temporary Butterfly

Round 4: Tales of Darkness
Codex • Flynn • Mr. Unforgiving Fox • Scott Oka • Temporary Butterfly

Round 5: Fairy Tales
Codex • Flynn • Mr. Unforgiving Fox • Temporary Butterfly

Round 6: Finale
Codex • Temporary Butterfly

Teller of the Tales is featured on Voice Hollywood