Round 1: Singer's Choice
Princess Clairey and Bright Disaster,
Rachellular, Pendulum Writer and Amby Leigh,
Mellie and Sundance Girl,
Dizzy, Divine Dragon and Jefferz,
Autumn, Ariah` and Alivieina,
OMGAwkwardTurtle, OmiiPride09 and the results.
Round 2: Musical Theater
Elvis Immunity
Bright Disaster, Dizzy and AmbyLeigh,
Jefferz, Alivieina and the results.
Main Round: Musical Theater
Rachellular, Bright Disaster and AmbyLeigh,
Mellie, PrincessClairey and Alivieina,
Jefferz, Autumn and the "results".
Last chance for latecomers: OmiiPride09, Ariah`, Dizzy/OMGAwkwardTURTLE and the results.
Round 3: Cheating / Breakup songs
Immunity (Amby Leigh) and main entries by Princess Clairey and Mellie,
OmiiPride09, Jefferz and Dizzy,
Bright Disaster, Amby Leigh and Autumn,
OMGAwkwardTurtle, Ariah`, Rachellular and the results.
Round 4: Duets
Immunity (Jefferz) and OmiiPride09/PrincessClairey duet,
Mellie/Jefferz, Rachellular/OMGAwkwardTURTLE,
Ariah`/AmbyLeigh and the results.
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