Sixty-one voice actors submitted auditions; from these, only forty-two were chosen.
Round 1: Television Shows
The first challenge was to perform a scene from a television show selected by the judges.
This round featured:
Actorman | Adelaide | Autumn | Aya_protects_the_Toothpaste | ClearSkies | DarkWolf | davyinatoga |
Demonstar13 | DragonKnightTara | divinedragon | DruoxtheShredder | Ducky Patterson | Eden | Gale |
GeneralIvan | Heckshotstuff1 | Jim Nickabocker | Josh | Jules Ismail | KawaiiBleach22 | Midori Boushi |
Mina-chan | MotlyFool | PipBoy | Pole Position | Rachidear | Ressficent | RhayneCampos |
Russ | Ry-Guy | Sarba | Sasuya | SaxyGirl08 | SonicMega | sshafty1 |
suddenlysey | Sunshine McDuff | Trixa | ValkyrieCeles | WJMill | WorseThanChase | xSeo |
Round 2: Movies
Thirty-two VAs survived the cut from the first round and received their next challenge: a script taken from a movie scene. Participating in this round were:
Actorman | Adelaide | Autumn | Aya_protects_the_Toothpaste | DarkWolf | davyinatoga | DragonKnightTara |
DruoxtheShredder | Ducky Patterson | Eden | Gale | GeneralIvan | Jim Nickabocker | Josh |
Jules Ismail | KawaiiBleach22 | MotlyFool | PipBoy | Pole Position | RhayneCampos | Russ |
Ry-Guy | Sasuya | SaxyGirl08 | SonicMega | sshafty1 | suddenlysey | Sunshine McDuff |
Trixa | ValkyrieCeles | WJMill |
Round 3: Original Scenes
Twenty-two VAs survived to face the next challenge: a scene written by one of the judges. Those VAs were:
Actorman | Autumn | AyaProtectsTheToothpaste | DarkWolf | DragonKnightTara | Ducky Patterson |
Gale | GeneralIvan | KawaiiBleach22 | MotlyFool | Pole Position | RhayneCampos |
Russ | Ry-Guy | Sasuya | SaxyGirl08 | SonicMega | sshafty1 |
Sunshine McDuff | Trixa | ValkyrieCeles | WJMill |
Round 4: Characters
In this round, the fifteen remaining contestants were given three minutes to create three distinct characters. They could do three monologues, a monologue and a dialog, or a three-character scene.
Actorman | Adelaide | Autumn | DarkWolf | DragonKnightTara |
Ducky Patterson | KawaiiBleach22 | MotlyFool | RhayneCampos | Russ |
Ry-Guy | Sasuya | SonicMega | sshafty1 | Sunshine McDuff |
Round 5: More Original Scenes
We had now reached the final ten, and each round was to eliminate only one person. Once again, the judges assigned scenes that they had written. This episode features: Ducky Patterson, Russ, DragonKnightTara, Autumn, DarkWolf, SonicMega, Sasuya, Ry-Guy, Motly Fool, and Sunshine McDuff.
Round 6: Demo Reels
The nine remaining contestants were given 16 lines and instructed to construct a demo reel using eight of them. Featuring: Motly Fool, Ducky Patterson, Russ, DarkWolf, DragonKnightTara, Sasuya, SonicMega, Autumn, and Ry-Guy.
Round 7: Dubs
Eight contestants were paired and assigned various animation dubs. Featuring: Ducky Patterson, Russ, DarkWolf, DragonKnightTara, Sasuya, SonicMega, Autumn, and Ry-Guy.
Round 8: Monologues
Due to a delay in mixing round 8, Each of the eight contestants was tasked to deliver a comic and a dramatic monologue. Featuring: Russ, Sasuya, SonicMega, DarkWolf, Autumn, Ducky Patterson, Ry-Guy, and DragonKnightTara. Two contestant would be eliminated.
Round 9: Live Cold Readings
This round was done live, over Skype. The actors were paired and given a script which they had to read cold. They were then given some direction and allowed to work for 30 minutes before coming back to perform again; unfortunately, the recordings were not usable, so no permanent record exists for this round: Russ, Darkwolf, Sasuya, Autumn, DragonKnightTara, and SonicMega participated.
Round 10: Bad Fanfic
Featuring bad fanfic found on the web, read by: Russ, Sasuya, DragonKnightTara, Darkwolf, and SonicMega.
Round 11 (Semifinals): Commercials
Each contestant was assigned three commercials: one to last 15 seconds, one 30 seconds, and one 60 seconds. Contestants are: Sasuya, Darkwolf, Russ, and SonicMega.
Round 12: The Finale
Each of the three finalists did a two-minute monologue of his choosing, and participated in the epic original radioplay: The Red Scare