On The Record season 1 rounds 1-4

Round 1: Elements

Immunity: The Colours of My Life

Moggymogg, JanieGirly07/Lucidity, AudreyGoLightly13 and the results.

Main Round

Draginite, Moggymogg, Kasidy92 and ValkyrieCeles,
Lucidity, Monisstar, JanieGirly07/Rosa and TemporaryButterfly,
Jenecys, AudreyGoLightly13, Dylan Collins/OMGawkwardTURTLE and Luna Prongs,
Sorachu, Tregatry, SharpCookies and the results.

Round 2: Books and Literature (with guest judge Rachellular)

Moggymogg (games and toys immunity), Jenecys, Moggymogg and Kasidy92,
Monisstar, Rosa, Dylan Collins and TemporaryButterfly,
Sorachu, JanieGirly07, Lucidity and Luna Prongs,
ValkyrieCeles, SharpCookies, OMGawkwardTURTLE and the results.

Round 3: Animated Films

Immunity: The Mouse Can Suck It! (non-Disney animated films)

Kasidy92, Jenecys and the results.

Main Round: Disney

Moggymogg, Kasidy92, Dylan Collins and Monisstar,
Sorachu, Lucidity, JanieGirly07 and Jenecys,
Rira/Rosa, ValkyrieCeles, OMGawkwardTURTLE, SharpCookies and the results.

Round 4: Off-Broadway

Kasidy92, Moggymogg, Sorachu and JanieGirly07,
SharpCookies, ValkyrieCeles, Dylan Collins and Jenecys,
OMGawkwardTURTLE, Lucidity and the results.