The Happiest Competition on Earth round 1: Classic Disney

Immunity Challenge: We're All In This Together

The challenge was to perform a group Disney song with 3-5 people.
Megadizzy/JCTrance19/SharpCookies/Snowfender and
Grethel/WhatTheChuck3/Traviata/Aura J/Dirksies
GreatDinn/Sacura/BlackJackAV/Interrobang and
Dylan Collins/Rachellular/FadedPhantom/Madi/ValkyrieCeles
Ariah'/Beloved Star/Tiana Sidhe and the results.

Classic Disney

Contestants covered could sing any Disney song from 1988 or earlier.
Ellie, Blackjack AV and Tiana Sidhe,
Princess Clairey, Songbyrd and Russ,
Dirksies, WhattheChuck3 and TheArtichoke,
Subaru-Camui, OMGAwkwardTURTLE and OmiiPride09,
Reid2me, Sikono and Merryfeather,
DarkieHime, BMcCauley and MeFredBob,
CaptainOfSquadZero, Grethel and Traviata,
Aura J, Ariah' and Interrobang,
Great Dinn and the results.

The Happiest Competition on Earth is featured on Voice Hollywood