Act It! season 2 auditions

To audition, voice actors were to submit a monologue no longer than two minutes long. At the end of each episode, the judges selected several for the show. At the end of the final episode, they selected several more, to reach a total of sixty-two.

Episode 1

Sasuya, Relick, and S h u d o - R a n m a r u
subaru-camui, Mochan, katy, and zain
SaxyGirl08, DarkieHime, and Sunshine McDuff
Hatomikazuki and the results.

Episode 2

Konata and XxLittleXGurlxX
Divine Dragon, SweetSourSauce, and InuKai
mystyxii, GeneralIvan, and Sacura
Russ, motlyfool666 and the results.

Episode 3

DruoxTheShredder, motlyfool666 (resubmission), and Zain (resubmission)
Cettoto, SaxyGirl08 (resubmission), and Artemis_Wasabi
AyaProtectsTheToothpaste, KyuRyu, and BlackjackAV
TheNationMaker and the results.

Episode 4

S h u d o - R a n m a r u (resubmission) and DragonKnightTara
Goten3620 and Actorman
SonicMega and Ressficent
InuKai (resubmission), DivineDragon (resubmission) and the results.

Episode 5

DruoxTheShredder (resubmission), Meinberg, Tenken2007, Mongtsatsa, and Undermy7train
Ressficent (resubmission), MetalMadness525, Dusk-Requiem, and TheNationMaker (resubmission)
motlyfool666 (2nd resubmission) and the results.

Episode 6

Kawaii Bleach and Mothman47
McTricky, KoichiSaito, and BladeBlur
BigTUnit1, ValkyrieCeles, and Majinboo0111
Merodi, Sam Haft, and the results.

Episode 7

SaxyGirl08 (2nd resubmission), ~xXLittlexGurlXx~, Akumaryu, and The Pawt
Sacura (resubmission), MiniusMaximus, AyaProtectsTheToothpaste (resubmission), and ValkyrieCeles (resubmission)
Undermy7train (resubmission), Sapphire, and the results.

Episode 8

Mothman47 (resubmission)
McTricky (resubmission) and EileMonty
TheNationMaker (2nd resubmission), Kateite, and Cake Batter
the results.

Episode 9

McTricky (2nd resubmission) and Hokage Titan
Ducky Patterson and Bikki
Mr. Kitty, The Pawt (resubmission), and Chibi_Riki
Mothman47 (2nd resubmission), Gassy Mexican, and Eades
the results.

Episode 10

VoiceOfGromit and Kawaii_Bleach (resubmission)
TagDaze and LuluLABs
Will Knavison, scottoka1, and MissAck
Ry-Guy and the results.

Episode 11

Dannerluv and Yukihime
GassyMexican (resubmission), ThePawt (2nd resubmission), and LordoftheMorning
Natalia Rose, scottoka1 (resubmission), and Squash
Snowfender, SharpCookies and the results.

Episode 12

sirchrissypoo, RoninRaccoon, Y. Chang, and Squash (resubmission)
Yukihime (resubmission), Endgame, and MidnightIllusion7
rachidear, Daglot Alta, LordoftheMorning (resubmission), and Flamingwindjutsu
Darkwolf, Sam Haft (resubmission), and Will Knavison (resubmission)
the final results.