Happiest Competition on Earth auditions

Auditioners sing a Disney song, a capella, generally one verse and chorus.

Episode 1

Tiana Sidhe, Michelle Lenne, Sharp Cookies,
Dylan Collins, Nick, Sh3rl0ck, Interrobang, Dirksies,
BreezySaysRelax, Rachellular, Beloved Star, BMcCauley, and the Results.

Episode 2

ValkyrieCeles, BlackjackAV, Captain of Squad Zero and Hari26,
Snowfender, Madi, Tiana Sidhe (resubmission), Dirksies (resubmission) and Russ,
Jibby, BreezySaysRelax (resubmission), HeavenDansu and the results.

Episode 3

OmiiPride09, OMGAwkwardTURTLE and paraparamore23,
MegaDizzy, Saigo, Tiana Sidhe (final submission) and the results.

Episode 4

Subaru-Camui, Matt Nguyen and Hari26 (resubmission),
Snowfender (resubmission), Songbyrd, HeavenDansu (resubmission) and WhatTheChuck3,
Princess Clairey, BreezySaysRelax (final submission), Merryfeather and Bree.
Saigo (resubmission) and the results.

Episode 5

Sikono, Jibby (resubmission) and MegaDizzy (resubmission),
Ariah', Great Dinn, bbreid,
TheArtichoke, DarkieHime and the results.

Episode 6

Sacura, PrincessSailorMoon and Hatomikazuki,
Paraparamore23 (resubmission), Aura January (resubmission), Songbyrd (resubmission) and DarkieHime (resubmission),
MeFredBob, Megadizzy (resubmission) and TheArtichoke (resubmission).
Sikono (resubmission), FadedPhantom and the results.

Episode 7

Darkiehime, Grethel and Chokitty,
HatomiKazuki, PrincessSailorMoon and JCTrance19,
Traviata, Sikono and Finneresco.
Paraparamore23 and the results.

Second Chance

Auditioners who did not make it through the above rounds were invited to try again, this time with a Disney Park song.
Hari26, HeavenDansu and PrincessSailorMoon,
Paraparamore23, mefredbob, BMcCauley and Sikono,
The results and a fun submission from Dirksies.